Goals upon goals

Hey all.

Recently I had to do a project for my Honors class where we had to create a 15 minute presentation discussing our goals and how we plan to achieve them. However, I don’t believe life is all about our long-term (5+ years) goals. I believe having short terms are necessary as well. So what better way to remember these short-term goals than by blogging about them?

Day goals:

  1. Make my bed- making my bed gives me a false sense of having my life together- and I love it
  2. Do homework- I hate doing it but it has to be done
  3. Return the phone I got- Verizon sent me two iPhones and I have to trek to the post office and return it
  4. Reach 10,000 steps- My daily fitbit step goal
  5. Eat 100% vegan- pretty self explanatory
  6. Drink 2 liters of water- DO THIS EVERYDAY-IT’S GOOD FOR YOU

Week goals:

  1. Ace my Bio Exam
  2. Meet my Sorority Big (I’m not in it anymore but she still wants me to know who she is)
  3. Go to the Homecoming Football Game
  4. Finish all of my homework- And don’t procrastinate on it
  5. Make a packing list for going to Phoenix
  6. Get my lotus tattoo and nose piercing (Friday)

Month Goals:

  1. Begin studying for finals- I can’t procrastinate
  2. Have a blast in Phoenix- visiting my aunt and best friends for Thanksgiving
  3. Make a packing list for going home- I love lists and hate forgetting things
  4. Write down everything I need to buy at home or bring from home so i don’t forget
  5. Explore coffee shops- if you check out my instagram that’s all I do

Semester Goals:

  1. Don’t fail any classes
  2. Make more friends
  3. Join clubs
  4. get a 3.5 GPA
  5. Be 100% vegan

Winter Break Goals:

  1. Work as a nanny
  2. See everyone I’ve missed while at school
  3. Relax
  4. Create 2nd semester schedule
  5. Switch closets with my sister- we switched rooms once I left but I need to get everything out of my closet

Year long goals:

  1. Decide on a major- double major in Spanish and _______
  2. Get a job
  3. Join clubs
  4. Become an AM
  5. Become an Ambassador

That’s all I have for now, but the list will grow. I think I will post weekly goals on my Monday posts. But probably not daily goals because I don’t always post the posts the same day I wrote them.

Talk to you all soon

