Life Updates: Jobs, Grad School, Weight Loss, the future of this blog

Hi all. Happy Sunday  

Typical Alicia, I haven’t posted for four months. I hope the end of 2023 and start of 2024 have been good for all of my readers. It’s insane to me that it’s already March. It’s been a whirlwind of a few months, and I have so much to share.

I quit teaching! WAHOOOOOOO. I left teaching last year and am so happy I did. I got a job working from home [it’s hybrid, but I’m only in the office 3 days a month] at an industrial supply company in the suburbs in their tax department. I love my department and all of my coworkers, and I have made so many new friends! It’s such a breeze from this job, and working from home gives me so much more freedom that I didn’t have while teaching. It’s also crazy that I’m trusted to do my job and just have a check-in once a month with my supervisor and other than that, I get to do my job. I really like everything I’ve learned about taxes so far, and I’m excited to be making $20,000 more than I was while teaching and I’m excited to see where my future takes me, either at this company or somewhere else.

I’m officially in my second semester of grad school. I’m soon to be 3 classes down and will finish this winter. I can’t wait to have an official graduation [I missed my undergrad graduation due to COVID] when I finish. I love my classes, and I think I want to get into instructional design or project management post-grad unless I decide I want to keep working with taxes for the rest of my career. Who knows? It’s also a plus that my company is paying for my entire tuition, which is a huge plus. I might even get my MBA after I finish this degree.

I’ve got some travel plans! In a couple of weeks, I’m headed to LA to visit two of my best friends from college. In May, my sister and I are headed to Europe. We’re going to France, Luxemburg, and England. And in July, I’m headed to Guatemala for the wedding of a friend of mine! I’m glad to be back to traveling, especially since my last trip was over a year ago.

My life has officially come full circle. My first ever blog [besides the summer bucket list blog I had with my best friend at the time in high school] was a weight loss blog. I would post daily about my food, weight, workouts, etc. I was DEEP in multiple eating disorders and really struggled with my food. In the past year, I’ve been losing weight again, in a much healthier way, and have lost 90 pounds! I’m about 30 pounds away from my goal weight and want to start sharing that part of my life here as well.

So… what does the future of this blog entail? Well, in true Alicia fashion, a lot of things. I’ve never been able to pick a niche, which is why this blog is a lifestyle blog, not a book/fitness/travel blog. I’d like to share all that encapsulates my life, from fitness, travel, post-grad life, books, and more. Take your coat off, stay a while, and welcome to a cute little rebrand of LivingOffLeesh.

Alicia ❤

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