Blogmas Day 1: I’m Doing Blogmas!


Happy December 1st!

So, since I am doing this really cool thing called ‘consistent blogging’ and since I blogged daily last month for #NaBloPoMo, I have decided to take a whack at doing Blogmas. I love Christmas time and the holidays in general (also I find the term Blogmas to be straight up adorable) so why not give it a go?

For those of you who don’t know what Blogmas is, you post daily from December 1st thru December 24th (sort of like an advent calendar but without the chocolate :/). You can also write a post every day for the entire month which is what I am planning on doing, however,  I’m not guaranteeing a post on the 24th or 25th because the 23rd-26th are extremely booked with parties and baking and trying to get some sleep but I will try.

I have made a list of some post ideas for myself (and for all of you too if you would like to join in on the Blogmas fun) so I may take ideas just from here but I may also just cover some other topics as I see fit. Feel free to steal any of these ideas (tag me in them if you do because I would love to read them) or give me some ideas of your own. Happy Blogmas!

  1. Christmas Wish List
  2. Christmas Favorites- Movies, Books, Songs, etc.
  3. Holiday Bucket List
  4. A Christmas cookbook
  5. Do a Christmas Tag
  6. Go on a Winter Walk… Take loads of photos
  7. Favourite Winter drink
  8. Christmas night in essentials
  9. Things I love about Christmas
  10. Christmas gift ideas
  11. Write a letter to Santa!
  12. Secret Santa gift ideas
  13. Healthy Christmas food or snacks
  14. The best Christmas present you ever received
  15. The worst Christmas present you ever received
  16. Ultimate Christmas party playlist
  17. Favorite childhood Christmas memory
  18. Go to your local Christmas Market!
  19. Christmas through the years (ghost pictures of Christmas past)
  20. Your Christmas traditions
  21. Naughty or Nice list?
  22. 3 Day Quote Challenge:
  23. A Festive post, things that you love to do at Christmas!
  24. Winter skincare must have’s
  25. Waking up on Christmas
  26. A look at your Christmas Day
  27. What you got for Christmas
  28. Do a Blogmas photo diary
  29. 100 Things you love about Winter Season
  30. December Favorites
  31. 17 in 2017
  32. Year in Review
  33. Make a list of goals you want to achieve both for you and your blog by 2017!
  34. A reflection on the year
  35. Things I loved this year

Like I said, I may do all of them, or some of them, whatever I feel like. Please join me on this fun Blogmas and leave me ideas for other Blogmas posts. Happy Blogging


10 thoughts on “Blogmas Day 1: I’m Doing Blogmas!

  1. So excited for Blogmas!! 🙂 Can’t wait to read what you come up with! Really starting to get into the festive spirit now! I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! I can’t believe it’s almost 2017!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Alicia, Are there rules for blogmas. I am doing it well my version of it. I am new to blogging and i watch you tube a lot.. and youtubers do vlogmas. So there was i thinking i wanna do blogmas ..and making it up. Anyway i am doing it and it will as per my blogmas announcement. So cool to know others do it.. quite funny .. no other blogger thus far mentioned it. Thanks for the follow as it allowed me to discover you and your blogmas. Enhoy dec

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So i am doing blogmas my version of it. I had no clue other bloggers are doing it. You should read my blogmas announcement …it is funny after reading yours. Those that follow me didnt know about it, so there was i feeling abit… i watch youtube a lot and i thought they vlogmas so i will bliogmas. Well i am doing it my style might be everyday.. i have a regular posting schedule so blogmas is the days i dont blog.. at least a min if one blogmas per week… my made up rules.. but i might suprise myself and blog everyday… my blogmas announcement has a fun xmas cartoon song. ..put me tge right frame for xmas.. so happy to be joining you all in blogmas my version of it

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Blogmas has no set rules. It can be whatever you want it to be. If you want to do Blogmas posts every day, you can. Some people do it like an advent calendar (posting a ost per day from December 1-24th), other people do posts everyday for the entire month and others just post randomly as they would normally blog, just with Christmas themes. I’ll definitely check out that post but Blogmas is definitely whatever you want it to be 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Okay thanks. Thank taking the time to explain. well mine will be random .. everyone i follow or who follow me blog every single day even 3 times a day. I have had a few minths where i blogged everday – but i just cant. So my blog mass will be random and in the theme of my blog as thats what my reader like… but a bit decorated up.. it my first year blogging and blogmas… i will figure it out..its about having fun.

        Liked by 1 person

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